When? Part 2
When your pet can no longer participate in many of the activities they once enjoyed, appears to be experiencing more pain than pleasure, is constantly confused or anxious, and definitely, when they stop eating, you should consider euthanasia (or, professional palliative care).
Especially difficult for some is when their own situations change & they are no longer able
to keep or care for their pet, or when home care becomes so burdensome there is a risk of becoming overwhelmed and even resentful. Even if not overtly sick, when that pet is elderly, extremely shy, has major ongoing medical needs, or its behavior (which in some maybe ‘normal’ - (urine marking in both dogs and cats)) makes it impossible for YOU to keep, before “rehoming” or relinquishing to a humane society, honestly consider if that just makes it easier for you, but harder for them, & postpones the inevitable for an unadoptable animal. Especially if the pet is aggressive to humans or other animals, even if you make it known to a humane group or another person, you are morally & sometimes legally, responsible if that pet causes damage or hurts a person or another pet,
If you are convinced 're-homing' is not the responsible or right thing to do, be aware some veterinarians refuse to euthanize a healthy pet -some even when the problem is aggression. (Don't ask me to explain this.)
Regardless of the situation: terminally ill, critically injured, medical problems which require care more intensive & expensive than most can handle, subtle but inexorable decline; asking the question: "Does my pet have, or is it going to have, more bad days than good days?" can help you make the decision.
Lastly, although a pet can take a sudden turn for the worse, it's best not to wait so long, you face an emergency situation. No loving pet owner has ever said “Looking back, I did it too soon.”
You don't want to look back worrying, or knowing, you waited to long.